Install Dell OS10 virtualization on EVE-NG

In my EVE-NG lab, there is Dell OS10 Virtualization template node. But I couldn't find the instruction how to add them. Found from some good source how to do this.

Download the images from Force10 websites. I am going to add S5248F image to my lab. There are various switch model you can choose.

SSH to your EVE-NG lab:

  1. Create folder with naming convention: "dellos10".
Example using dellos10

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/dellos10-

2. Copy the 3 files (OS10-Disk-1.0.0.vmdk,  OS10-Installer- and OS10-platform-S5248F- to above directory and Rename them as below:

1. mv OS10-Disk-1.0.0.vmdk sataa.qcow2
2. mv OS10-Installer- virtiob.qcow2
3. mv OS10-platform-S5248F- virtioc.qcow2 

3. Fix permission:

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

Now the qemu is ready to boot at your EVE-NG LAB. On first boot, it will do an ONIE install.